Hot Properties is a rude, satirical and unsettling portrait of young writers suffering, not the pangs of hunger but the throes of ambition. This American New Grub Street is a prophetic account of the effect on young writers of the concentration of media companies and their need to maximize profits. Through this sprawling, sexy and cynical portrait of New York’s publishing and show business worlds we follow four young writers in pursuit of success and fulfillment. Tony Winters, a serious playwright, is sidelined and sideswiped by Hollywood. Patty Lane, beautiful and smart, can’t get men to take her seriously and writes a tell-all about an affair with a powerful man that makes her a cult figure. Fred Tatter, the ultimate hack, crawls and begs for acceptance. David Bergman, a young star of journalism, is put on the fast track for the top job at America’s most successful magazine. Hot Properties brings to life the real danger to young talent: the promise of success.
Hot Properties delivers. It’s a thick, gooey slice of kitsch… a guilty pleasure. It’s your beach book for the summer of ’86.
Village Voice
Sexy, timely, malicious and full of celebrity look-alikes Hot Properties [is] the novel you want in the Hamptons. It lambastes the pretensions of the people you’ve been glaring at on the beach all day, and excoriates the city you’ve left behind.
The New York Times Book Review
Sharp, funny and fresh insight into the American literary world…
Financial Times